Thursday, December 30, 2010

When you use the brain you were given

Funny things happen when you begin to exercise the mind you were given. You are rewarded with the ability to consciously interact with the world around you. Many of us go through life without being truly conscious, that is we wander from day to day, month to month and year to year simply reacting to the world and information. We don't make true conscious decisions instead reacting with our emotions to the issues of the day. This lack of consciousness is what the leadership of most nations rely upon to ensure they lead sheep rather than lions.

The shift from emotionally reactive to pragmatically thinking is not one that happens overnight or easily for that matter. In fact it is only with great effort that any of us set aside our natural reaction to information often delivered to elicit an emotional response from us.  The expectation is we will jump on the bandwagon, waving the flag of the day and remain helping to blow on the embers, keeping the fires burning; and we will as long as our emotions remain engaged. The moment though we step down from the emotional high and begin to exam any issue we might arrive at different conclusions. This change, from emotional reactive to pragmatic thinking, is what we need to make, the shift from sheep to lions.

When you begin to truly think, truly exercise the greatest muscle of your body to solve problems, view the world or even consider information as it arrives in your in-box daily you will begin to see the world differently. I am not making the case that you will suddenly change your views on politics, religion or even specific issues; only that you will form different less emotional arguments for those views. You will rely less on the views of others and do more of your own research prior to forming opinions. Certainly you will not be so quick to jump on other peoples bandwagons.

A person who regularly uses their mind to solve problems or consider current issues will think through problems pragmatically, seeking as much information as possible to frame their argument for whichever side they believe is "right". They will review all sides of an issue, research the problem and only then will they present conclusions. Their brain will be the tool of choice rather than random emotional response based upon input from pretty faces, appeals to patriotism, or worse appeals to fear. Their arguments will be responsive to the issue and considered. When you are able to frame an argument using your mind rather than your emotion, it doesn't mean you have no emotional stake in the argument only that you have been able to remove your emotions from it.

This doesn't mean others will agree with your conclusions, in fact if a person who regularly and actively uses their mind will also regularly face opposition, sometimes vitriolic, that is one of the funny things that will happen. The pragmatist may often find themselves at odds with those around them due to their difference in opinion, or worse that they no longer hold the orthodox views and beliefs they were raised with. When you use the brain you were given frequently you are forced to see the world differently, that is another funny thing that happens. The more you use your brain the more you expand your knowledge base the more you will question what you thought you knew. There is nothing wrong with questions; in fact the lack of curiosity creates stagnation. Orthodoxy creates stagnation. Be prepared for bitterness though if you decide to get off those bandwagons and challenge the accepted norms of your friends, fellows and community by actually setting aside your emotional response and exercising your mind!

A funny thing happens to those who exercise their brains....they expand their knowledge and challenge the status quo.

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